Sunday, July 7, 2013


It's nice having the Internet. No matter what you're looking for, what you have a question about or what you need to know, it's all on the Internet. There are so many answers on the Internet, things get a bit confusing or maybe that's just me. You'll start out looking for one thing and end up finding 800 other things you weren't looking for but are so interesting you must now focus on them as well.

Difficult to stay focused, but I digress. Then there's the iPhone. OMG how many industries, suppliers, pieces of equipment and technologies has this phone spawned? So many it is impossible for me to remember what the world was like before it. Really, what did people do without the iPhone? There were other phones, cellphones, smartphones...whatever you wanna call 'em. But the iPhone is on a whole other level.

It is not just a's a bit intimidating actually. It's a calendar, a calculator, a research tool, a grocery list keeper, a note keeper, a memo taker, etc. etc. It's an artists helper ultimate. When you need to remember something, you can record a voice memo. If you see something beautiful, you can take a picture. And don't get me started with the apps.

Anywho, the moral of the story is today my iPhone was in the hospital. The speaker went out...for unknown reasons. For 30 whole minutes we were apart. It was hard but we got through it. Without it I had no idea what time it was. No way to pass said time; it even took me a minute to figure out how to spend this free time.

So what was a girl to do? Old school innovation - pen and paper! I took out my pen and my notepad and wrote. I wrote about my life as it is today and thought about how to make it into the future I'd like to see. I thought about what it is I want in my life and how I could go about getting it. I looked at people, even connected with a few. Then I realized I'd spent all the time I'd been asked to waste.

The iPhone was repaired and off we went for more adventures. Stay tuned...

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